Speciallady donates sanitary products to high schools to mark Menstrual Health Day

Speciallady Awareness is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that promotes reproductive health rights and combat menstrual poverty among women and young girls in Ghana.

The NGO frequently carries out outreach activities in educational establishments and communities in Ghana. Over twenty educational establishments have received education on reproductive and menstrual hygiene and health as well as donations of sanitary products.

To mark The Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023, Speciallady Awareness, in conjunction with Shaxi Ghana Ltd, donated sanitary products to over 1000 pupils at Apeguso Senior High School located in the Eastern Region of Ghana.

In addition, as part of Shaxi Ghana Ltd corporate social responsibility, the company decided to collaborate with Speciallady Awareness to raise awareness on menstrual health and hygiene.

Menstrual Hygiene Day is a global awareness campaign that takes place on May 28th every year.
It aims to break the silence and stigma surrounding menstruation and promote the importance of menstrual hygiene management for all people who menstruate.
During the school visit, Speciallady Awareness team emphasised the importance of Menstrual Hygiene Day, it promotes education on menstruation as being a natural bodily process and proper menstrual hygiene management is crucial for maintaining good physical and mental health.
The founder of Speciallady Awareness, Elizabeth Amoaa, often highlights during her interviews on the importance of acknowledging that access to clean water, sanitation facilities and affordable menstrual products are essential to ensure that people who menstruate can manage their periods in a safe and hygienic manner.
During the month of April 2023, Speciallady Awareness partnered with National Academy of Students Achievement Awards Ghana organisation (NASAAG) to promote career growth, leadership and importance of healthcare summit at Ghana Communication Technology University, Ghana Institute of Journalism, University of Winneba and Valley View University.
Speciallady Awareness occasionally raises awareness about menstruation and helps dispel myths and misconceptions related to menstrual periods.

The NGO has severally promoted education surrounding menstrual health and hygiene among students and women in various communities in Ghana to help eliminate the stigma surrounding menstruation.

In summary, during the outreach activity at Apeguso Senior High School, Speciallady Awareness team stressed on the importance of raising awareness on menstrual health and hygiene as it promotes advocates for policy changes and encourages environmentally sustainable menstrual hygiene practices.
Also, education on menstrual hygiene plays a role in breaking the silence and stigma surrounding menstruation and improving the well-being and rights of young girls and women.

The outreach activity was sponsored by OA Pay, Rotary Direct Membership and Icann brand event and innovation.

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