New Music: Rolex B Releases an Affectionate Song To Music Fans

Artist: Rolex B

Released: 2023

Featured artist: Fresh Faya

Song: Potato

Country: Ghana

Ghanaian Afro highlife musician, singer, songwriter, and entertainer, known in the Showbiz circle as “Rolex B” retains a new bounce to the music scene with a soothing musical tune dubbed ‘Potato,’ featuring versatile rapper, Fresh Faya.

Rolex B, “Potato” is a heartfelt, and mid-tempo track that beautifully conveys the idea of appreciating a woman’s natural beauty and individual qualities that make who she is.

The sincerity in Rolex B’s lyrics, and voice is lovely for playing in the background of a romantic date or truly a special occasion when you want to demonstrate how much you love a woman.

Putting effort and creativity into all his craft to put Upper East music on the map, Potato is composed to describe the fantasy of every woman’s beauty. Rolex B’s lyrical prowess and heartfelt delivery make ‘Potato’ a musical masterpiece that yanks at the heartstrings and leaves a memorable impact on the listener’s soul.

Rolex B’s ability to blend his dialect, Kusal, and English and mastery of apprehending these intense validities through music portrays his artistry and amazing breadth to touch the hearts of his audience.

You can download ‘Potato’ below, and we encourage you to take a moment to listen to this expressive masterwork. Share it with others to spread the powerful message of love, adoration, and the enduring potency of music to heal and bind us all.

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