Franky 5, Appointed as Deputy CEO of Creative Arts Agency

Renowned creative arts personality, Franky 5, known in real life as Frank Kwabena Owusu, has been appointed as the Deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Creative Arts Agency. Franky 5 will serve under the leadership of President Akufo-Addo’s daughter Gyankroma Akufo-Addo, further strengthening the agency’s mission to enhance the creative arts sector in Ghana.



The announcement was made during two separate events where Franky 5 represented the agency.



One notable occasion was the launch of the West Africa Music and Arts Festival, attended by the Minister and Deputy Minister of Tourism, Arts, and Culture.



In his speech, Franky 5 outlined several initiatives that the agency plans to embark on before the year ends, highlighting his vision and commitment to the sector.



In an exclusive interview, Franky 5 confirmed his current role as Acting Deputy CEO, explaining that while the official appointment is-pending approval and regularisation from Minister of Tourism., he has already been authorized to fulfill the duties of the position. “I am honored to represent the Creative Arts Agency and look forward to contributing to its growth and success,” he stated.




Franky 5’s appointment has been well-received within the creative community.



Over the years, he has earned respect for his significant contributions to the industry and his dedicated service to the agency. His new role comes as no surprise to many who believe in his capability and vision for advancing the arts in Ghana.

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