Fiesta Hospitality Group Chef wins award at global culinary competition

Representing more than just an achievement for him, after winning third place at the just ended IKA/Culinary Olympics – the world‘s largest international exhibition for culinary skills, Executive Head Chef of the Fiesta Hospitality Group in Accra (owners of the Fiesta Royale Hotel and Fiesta Residences), Chef Pieter Malan says the bronze medal he won is a symbol “of the seeds of learning and skills transfer that have been sown within me.”



The Chef, whose individual participation was made possible owing to the generous sponsorship he received from his employers will be incorporating some of his award – winning recipes into the current menu served at the Grillroom Restaurant inside the Fiesta Residences where he is based.



With a dream to see a full Ghanaian participation and representation at the next culinary Olympics in 2028, Chef Malan is delighted to have the opportunity to participate flying the (Ghana) Black Star flag having entered the competition as a chef coming from Ghana.
Of South African origins, Malan has always been a true athlete of the culinary discipline, with a personal mission to create exquisite African food that can compete proudly on any world stage. His strength is his presentation skills and through determined effort, backed by the solid support he received from colleagues and team of chefs from Fiesta Hotel Group in Ghana, he was able to discharge these innate skills, and emerge as a great tower, winning the bronze prize at the largest, oldest and most colorful exhibition of culinary arts in the world.
Though not the first time winning an award, as Malan is renowned for his culinary prowess, and recognized for his television and radio ventures, this recent achievement is by far one that will be the highlight of his life.



Acknowledging the immense encouragement he has received from his colleagues as a great catalyst for him pressing on, he singles out the young talented Ghanaian chef, Ines Martha Nana Asabea Appenteng, who sponsored herself to be at the event, and assist him as an apprentice Chef.



It is his current twist of embracing new flavors and cooking techniques, with Chef Malan creating canapes using West African ingredients such as nkontomire, hibiscus and alasa, that is angling the chef’s latest reputation.



In the coming weeks, Malan will be incorporating his award winning recipe at ‘The Grillhouse’ restaurant at the Fiesta Residences Boutique Apartments Hotel where he operates from. He promises they’ll be as delightful as those presented at the IKA/Culinary Olympics in Stuttgart, Germany.

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