Renowned Ghanaian musician Diana Hamilton has once again captured the hearts of fans with the release of the highly anticipated video for her latest song, “Onwanwani (Wonder Working God).”
Launched on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, the video has quickly garnered significant attention, showcasing Hamilton’s mesmerizing live performance.
“Onwanwani” is a musical tribute that praises the greatness of God through rich appellations and attributes. Known for her charismatic stage presence and ability to captivate audiences, Diana Hamilton delivers yet another flawless performance in the video. The song is both upbeat and danceable, while maintaining its core message of expressing gratitude to God.
Hamilton’s seamless transition between English and Twi in the song further enhances its appeal, making it an inspirational piece for Christians and a testament to her creative prowess.
Diana Hamilton, who was honored with the prestigious Artiste of the Year award at the Ghana Music Awards in 2021, continues to solidify her local and international reputation with her remarkable musical talent. Her new release “Onwanwani” is poised to become another milestone in her illustrious career.
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