Music lovers are in for an extraordinary Christmas treat this year as legendary and contemporary Ghanaian music icons unite for an unforgettable night of...
Nana Owusu Achiaw Brempong, a 70-year-old farmer from Sekyere Central in the Ashanti Region, has been named the 2024 National Best Farmer. Having embarked...
WHO and Ghana’s Ministry of Health Equip Journalists with Training and Tools to Raise Awareness on Non-Communicable Diseases In public health, data serves as...
African horror screenwriter, Osarfo Anthony, has called on African filmmakers to make significant contributions to the global horror filmmaking industry. His appeal follows a...
Ghanaian actress Gloria Sarfo recently shared her thoughts on the struggles actresses face in finding suitable partners, speaking candidly during an interview with...
The National Paralympic Committee of Ghana, with the support of the Commonwealth Games Association – Ghana, thus the (Ghana Olympic Committee, has secured a...
The Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) officially launched its Golden Jubilee celebrations, marking 50 years of dedication to supporting, uniting, and advancing the interests...
The Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA) has issued an apology to its esteemed guests following logistical challenges and ticketing issues that resulted in some...