Priscilla Opoku Agyemang, widely known as Ahuofe Patri, has revealed a distressing experience of being scammed while attempting to order food from Papaye Fast Food.
The actress, known for her role in the popular series Boys Kasa, shared the incident on her Snapchat story on January 14, 2025.
According to her, the scam unfolded while she was on set in Dodowa and decided to order food from the nearby Papaye restaurant during her lunch break.
“I didn’t want to disrupt filming by leaving the set, so I opted for delivery,” she explained. While searching online for the contact details of Papaye’s Frafraha branch, she came across a number that appeared legitimate.
After reaching out, she was asked to make a prepayment of GHC 70 to complete her order. “I googled Papaye and entered the location, which was Frafraha. They told me I had to pay first, so I transferred the money,” she recounted.
However, events took a strange turn when the supposed delivery agent insisted on her providing a code sent to her phone. “The message clearly said, ‘Do not share this code with anyone,’ but they kept calling and insisting it was necessary to finalize the transaction,” she said.
Trusting her instincts, she refused to share the code and hung up. Shortly after, she discovered that her airtime had been depleted by GHC 15, and she received multiple messages about unauthorized attempts to withdraw GHC 300. Eventually, her SIM card was blocked after repeated failed transactions.
Despite the scam, Ahuofe Patri decided to visit the restaurant in person to buy her meal and report the incident. To her dismay, the staff showed little concern. “They told me other customers had been scammed too, but their response was indifferent. They didn’t offer to help or even address the issue,” she lamented.
The actress expressed her disappointment and called on Papaye to take swift action to protect their customers. “This could happen to anyone. The company needs to address this problem and ensure others don’t fall victim,” she urged.