Electoral Commission Rejects NDC’s Protest, Calls for Data Submission to Resolve Voters Register Issues

The Electoral Commission (EC) has responded to concerns raised by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) regarding the credibility of the 2024 Voters Register, emphasizing that demonstrations are not the way to resolve the issue.

According to the EC, the NDC has been requested multiple times to provide data on the discrepancies they claim to have identified in the voters’ register, but the party has not done so.

Addressing a Press Conference on Thursday, Samuel Tettey, Deputy Commissioner of Operations noted that the EC urged the NDC to bring their concerns to the discussion table, where they can be properly investigated and resolved.

The Commission stressed that it had assured the NDC during a previous meeting that any issues raised would be thoroughly investigated within a week, but without the data from the NDC, this investigation cannot proceed.

The EC expressed confidence that dialogue, rather than street demonstrations, would lead to the creation of a credible and robust voters’ register, and called on former President John Mahama to encourage his party to engage in discussions with the Commission.

The EC reiterated its commitment to delivering a transparent process, ensuring that all discrepancies in the register are addressed before the December 2024 General Elections.

The Commission also reassured the public and political parties that it is working diligently to correct any discrepancies and provide a voters’ register that guarantees free, fair, and credible elections. The EC called for trust from the public, stating that it had delivered in 2020 and would do so again.

“The Commission strongly believes that the surest way to attaining a credible and robust Register is not through demonstrations. There is simply nothing to demonstrate about. This is because the Commission has repeatedly requested the data on discrepancies from the NDC to no avail. We are of the view that, the stance taken by the NDC will not produce a credible register.

“The Commission is of the view that the best place to resolve the issues they have identified is the discussion table. We urge them to submit details of the discrepancies they have identified to enable the Commission investigate the issues and demonstrate to them that the concerns they have, have been resolved. As indicated earlier the EC assured the NDC during the meeting that it would conduct a thorough investigation and report on the issues they had detected within a week. Why are they refusing to submit the data to enable the EC to investigate and provide a report?

“The EC believes that the best way to ascertain the credibility and integrity of the 2024 Voters Register is the discussion table, not on the streets. Taking to the streets will not ensure a credible register. It will only cause tensions and suspicions which are unwarranted. We call on the former President, His Excellency

“John Mahama, an eminent and respected statesman of the Republic, to encourage and bring his party to the table as that is the best place to address issues and ascertain the truth regarding the Voters Register
We are confident that the former President will heed to our calls and do everything in his power to bring his party to the discussion table. On our part, we assure the NDC of a transparent process that would demonstrate to them that all their concerns have been resolved.

“The Commission wishes to state that, almost all the discrepancies identified have to date been corrected. As in 2020, the Commission is committed to providing the country and all Political Parties with a robust and credible Voters Register that will guarantee free, fair, transparent and credible General Election in December 2024. We urge the public to trust the EC to do this again and again.”

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